Wednesday, March 08, 2006

My Opinion

Okay, so you all know that I generally don't get involved in political debates on this web publication of mine, but I feel that not all of the facts are being accurately represented in the media. So please indulge me while I get serious for a minute and explain my position.

I'm talking about the seal hunt. Yes, we know that people's livelihoods depend on it. We also know that clubbing them with...with clubs actually...may appear to be inhumane. Barbaric even.

Many critics of the seal hunt protesters argue that if the seals were ugly cockroach things that there wouldn't be a protest at all. Maybe they're right, maybe not. But if the protesters knew that seals could shoot flames out of their eyeballs, would they be so against the cull? I think not.

Flaming Eyeball Seal Creature


Blogger Jadie said...

What a monster! That seal is clearly enjoying himself with that sadistic smile across his face.

Good thing he's framed. Under glass. So as not to attack Paul McCartney.

March 09, 2006 2:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"take that, Brigitte! zzzt!" (Brigitte's designer silk shirt melts to her surgically-levitating chest)
"take that, Lady Heather! zzzt!"(Lady Heather's dry-as-straw hair ignites, the ashes drift across the ice floe.)
"zzzt! zzzt! any other hypocrites dare to challenge the powers of the Flames of Truth??"
(okay, so it doesn't make sense that the seal would try to maim and/or kill those who wish to save him... but if seals really did shoot flames, I guess those newfie bludgeoners would be in a whole pack of trouble, or else have invest some of their blood money in flame-retardant ski-doo suits, eh?)

March 12, 2006 1:58 PM  

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